IRB Library


The City of Indian Rocks Beach library is temporarily closed. There are no physical materials to check out.  The city has four little library boxes available to drop off or take donated materials at 4th Ave., 12 Ave., 22 Ave., and a boat shaped book box at the closed city hall.  We are available to answer questions in person in the City Hall trailer located next to the Beach Art Center and the temporarily closed library. The library phone number is 727-596-1822,  leave a message and I will get back to you. NON residents are not eligible for a library card under the current situation. NON resident IRB cards are not renewable or transferable at this time, NON residents should purchase a card from a PPLC library.

For our IRB members, the IRB website has a Book Page subscription, Kanopy and Libby, use your card to access these apps. Register your IRB card with a PPLC Library for borrowing privileges. Materials checked out  during the storms can be returned to the City Hall trailer between 8-4 M-F. All fines have been waived. Residents have been globally renewed for a year in our ILS software effective December 2024. Library cards are available by appointment(preferred) or walk-in, M-F 8-4.  Please have proof of residence and a governmental ID.

Take-a-Book, Leave-a-Book Locations

  • 1507 Bay Palm Blvd
  • 4th Ave Beach Access
  • 12th Ave Beach Access
  • 22nd Ave Beach Access

Library Cards

For Residents

The IRB Library card is free for property owners and residents with proof of residency. Please complete the registration form and sign it indicating responsibility for materials borrowed by the member. IRB Library card holders have reciprocal borrowing privileges at Pinellas Libraries (PPLC). You must register your card at PPLC library.

PPLC Members may apply for reciprocal borrowing privileges for the IRB Library.

All materials borrowed must be returned to the lending library.

Libby (Downloadable e-Content)

IRB Members can go to the library catalog. Access to OverDrive E-content is available using your IRB card. Your password is your phone number. For more information setting up your OverDrive account please contact the IRB Library.

For Non-Residents


The cards for non-residents are available for anyone NOT living in IRB, who provides ID, and a proof of temporary residence in IRB.

A red non-resident library card is good for ONE year at $25.00 per year. Please complete the registration form and sign it.

NON residents do NOT have PPLC reciprocal borrowing privileges.

Please see the library card policy for specifics.

e Content

Contact Info

Lee Miller
