The following information regarding short-term rentals is intended to provide the essential information which property owners in the city of Indian Rocks Beach need to know regarding owning and managing short-term properties.
The short-term rental registration list was last updated in September, 2024. City team members that have been focused on hurricane recovery and assisting the public in navigating the permitting process are now actively working to update our database and ensure compliance with Ordinance No. 2023-02. We expect to have the registration compliance list updated within 60 days.
Apply Online
Sec. 18-222. – Exemption for owner occupied vacation rentals.
The provisions of this article shall not apply to owner occupied vacation rentals or property which is designated homestead under the Florida Constitution and Florida law from forced sale under any process of law. Before granting such exemption City staff shall verify that the identified property is afforded status as a homestead for the identified property owner, pursuant to the records maintained by Pinellas County.
Any person desiring to qualify for the exemption herein shall file an affidavit in substantially the following form:
The City of Indian Rocks Beach Commission adopted Short-Term Rental Ordinance (2023-02) on May 9th, 2023. Per the adopted ordinance all vacation rental forms will be released to the public on or before July 14, 2023. The official start date of the new ordinance will be August 1, 2023.
Additionally, if an owner rents a dwelling unit:
- Get required licensing from state for a lodging.
- Register with the Florida Department of Revenue and obtain a certificate for sales and use tax for the purpose of remitting applicable taxes
- Pay the annual City of Indian Rocks Beach Local Business Tax – If you advertise a unit for rent or rent the unit for payment; you must complete a City of Indian Rocks Beach Local Business Tax Form, pay initial application fee and an annual business tax fee to the city. The tax is determined by the number of units rented.
- If an owner rents out a dwelling, they are not permitted to claim Homestead Exemption – If the owner is not permanently residing in the dwelling or it is a rental, vacation home, or vacant, the property owner could be in violation of the homestead exemption regulations and could possibly be subject to multiple years of property taxes as determined by the Property Appraiser’s Office.
- For more information contact the Pinellas County Property Appraiser’s Office at (727) 464-3207 / Hearing Impaired (727) 464-3370 or online.