City Clerk


Lorin Kornijtschuk was appointed City Clerk by the City Commission effective August 9, 2023. Prior to her appointment as City Clerk, she served as Administrative Assistant in the Public Works Department for 7 years and as Office Administrator for 3 years.

The City Clerk’s office is responsible for records management, preparation of the City Commission meeting agendas and minutes, legal advertising and administration of municipal elections.

List of services that are provided by this office:

  • Coordinating the records management and retention program for the City
  • Overseeing the adoption and publishing of the Code of Ordinances
  • Helping to ensure that all open records requests are in accordance with the Open Records Act
  • Maintaining contracts, ordinances, resolutions, and agreements
  • Preparing agendas and minutes for all City Commission and Appointed Board Meetings
  • Serving as the official keeper of the City seal
  • Serving as the official supervisor of municipal elections.

Alcohol Beverage Permits



Any Indian Rocks Beach resident who desires to serve on any of the City’s advisory boards, such as the Board of Adjustments and Appeals, Finance & Budget Review Committee or the Planning & Zoning/LPA Board, may download and complete the Board Application. Once both pages of the application are filled in, the application can be delivered to City Hall in person, or mailed to the City Hall at 1507 Bay Palm Boulevard, Indian Rocks Beach, 33785, to the attention of the City Clerk’s Office.
