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Indian Rocks Beach

City Boards

Board of Adjustments and Appeals

The Board of Adjustments and Appeals consists of five regular board members and two alternate board members appointed by the City Commission, and whenever possible, shall consist of an engineer, a real estate broker, a businessperson and architect. The term of office is three years and no member shall serve more then two consecutive three years terms. The duties and responsibilities of the board are as follows; (a) Hear and recommend appeals where it is alleged there is an error in any order, requirements, decision or determination made by an administrative official in the enforcement of subpart B (the City's land development regulations), after public notice has been given and a public hearing has been held; (b) Hear and recommend special exception uses to the terms of subpart B (the City's land development regulations); and (c) Recommend authorization upon appeal in specific cases, such variance from the terms of subpart B (the City's land development regulations), as will not be contrary to public interest where, owing to special conditions, a literal enforcement of the provisions of subpart B (the City's land development regulations), will result in unnecessary hardship.

Charter Review Committee

Code Compliance/Special Magistrate Hearing

Hearings will be held on the second Wednesdays of the month when needed.

Finance & Budget Review Committee

The Finance and Budget Review Committee consists of five regular board members appointed by the City Commission. The term of office is three years. A financial disclosure is required. The duties and responsibilities of the Committee are as follows: (a) Review the requests for annual budget appropriations as submitted by the City Manager and prepare a report of that request to the City Commission; (b) Review the five-year capital improvement plan on an annual basis with a written report to the City Commission; (c) Review the comprehensive annual financial report and provide a written report to the City Commission; (d) The committee shall monitor and review the financial position of the City through quarterly reports provided by the City Treasurer; and (e) The committee shall perform such other duties which may from time-to-time be requested of it by the City Commission and/or the City Manager.

Local Planning Agency

The Local Planning Agency (LPA) Board consists of seven regular members and two alternate members appointed by the City Commission and whenever possible, shall consist of an engineer, a real estate broker, a businessperson and an architect. The term of office is two years. A financial disclosure is required. The duties and responsibilities of the Board are as follows: (a)Conduct the comprehensive planning program and prepare the comprehensive plan or elements or portions thereof for the City; (b) Coordinate the comprehensive plan or elements or portions thereof with the comprehensive plans of other appropriate local governments and the State; (c) Make recommendations regarding the adoption of the comprehensive plan or elements or portions thereof to the City Commission; (d) Review proposed land development regulations, land development codes or amendments thereto, and make recommendations to the City Commission as to the consistency of the proposal with the adopted comprehensive plan or element or portion thereof.

Planning & Zoning Board

The Planning and Zoning (P&Z) Board consists of seven regular members and two alternate members appointed by the City Commission and whenever possible, shall consist of an engineer, a real estate broker, a businessperson and an architect. The term of office is two years. A financial disclosure is required. The duties and responsibilities of the Board are as follows: (a) The P&Z Board shall have advisory powers but shall have no authority to make binding recommendations; (b) The P&Z Board shall have the power to review and recommend approval or disapproval of site plans when such are required by the zoning ordinance; and (c) The P&Z Board shall review planned unit developments and recommend variances from the literal provisions of the zoning ordinance.