For barrier island residents and businesses:
In an effort to prevent looting and burglary after a large-scale mandatory evacuation, the Pinellas County Sheriff’s Office and the barrier islands have joined forces to provide free Emergency Access Permits to all businesses and residents of the barrier islands. Once a mandatory evacuation order has been lifted, Emergency Access Permits will be required to re-enter an evacuated area. There are nine entry points to the barrier islands. Access will be limited based on the closest entry point to your residence.
You will be asked to hang the permit from your vehicle’s rearview mirror for re-entry post-evacuation. Law enforcement officers will be posted at entry points where they will scan the barcode on your permit to verify your residency. With your help, we can keep trespassers from accessing your property.
A maximum of 2 permits are permitted per residential property address.
To complete the permit request, you must have a valid driver license. Owners and renters/lessees will need to submit an additional image of a tax bill, mortgage, utility bill, or current lease/rental agreement showing the address of the property for which the permit is being requested.
You can stop by City Hall to request your permit. Please note that the permits do not expire and they go with the property address.